Here are demos of my first two songs for baritone voice and piano, on contrasting poems by Emily Dickinson.  It’s taken the past two months to write these — the compositions are complete, I think!  The audio isn’t final though: I’m still working on vocal delivery and am hoping to record these again with a real accompanist (in these clips, the piano part is played by rather unforgiving software).  Feedback on the compositions is welcome.

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I many times thought Peace had come When Peace was far away— As Wrecked Men—deem they sight the Land— At Centre of the Sea—

And struggle slacker—but to prove As hopelessly as I— How many the fictitious Shores— Before the Harbor lie—

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Perhaps you’d like to buy a flower, But I could never sell— If you would like to borrow, Until the Daffodil

Unties her yellow Bonnet Beneath the village door, Until the Bees, from Clover rows Their Hock, and Sherry, draw,

Why, I will lend until just then, But not an hour more!

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