Looking over old Facebook posts, I see that I had shared this image on July 28, 2017 as a way of saying “Happy summer” to my friends.


“Happy summer all. This photo is from 2016. Glad the bees came back in 2017. Pollination continues.”

Editor’s note: Over the years, Facebook has diverted some of the attention I would have otherwise given to my blog and now as I plan my departure from Facebook, I’m trying to give that attention back to my blog. For Facebook posts that were time or season-specific, I find it convenient to make a new blog post that’s backdated to match the original Facebook post. So you’ll see a date of July 28, 2017 on this blog post even though I’m writing it January 23, 2019. Maybe this technique will be helpful for others who are considering leaving Facebook and wondering what to do with all their Facebook history: put it on your blog and backdate it. ■

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