Here’s a short piece I’ve just finished writing for guitar; maybe it will become part of a series.  The style here is romantic and the texture is more homophonic than contrapuntal, a departure from the keyboard-oriented canons I’ve been working on recently.  It feels good to now be writing for the instrument I actually play.  This is in fact my first “composed” piece for guitar – my past guitar work has been improvisational and it’s taken me some time to move from a spontaneous to a planned approach to working with the instrument.   One thing I’ve learned is that writing for guitar involves a constant interplay between abstract musical thinking and a nut-and-bolts examination of the instrument’s possibilities and tendencies.  I suppose that’s true for any instrument, but it’s especially so for the guitar because the guitar is polyphonic, but not in the rational, orderly way the keyboard is polyphonic; instead, in a quirky, limited way, where the fingers of the left hand can quickly become immersed in a nightmarish game of Twister if the composer isn’t careful.  But one nice thing about being the author of the piece you’re playing is that if a certain note gives you trouble you have the authority to change it, and I did that several times in the course of practicing this!  In the clip, you’ll hear me playing my 2009 Connor guitar.  Feedback is welcome.

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